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All the money in the world can't buy you back good health
My dear, it never rains but it pours. How true the old proverbs are. Here am I,
who shall be twenty in September, and yet I never had a proposal till to-day,
not a real proposal, and to-day I have had three. Just fancy! THREE proposals in
one day! Isn't

My wish is to stay always like this, living quietly in a corner of nature
I could not tell the others of the day's discovery till we were alone; so after dinner--followed by a little music to save appearances even amongst ourselves--I took Mina to her room and left her to go to bed.

Life is too important to be taken seriously
Between these two, I now felt I had to choose. My two natures had memory in common, but all other faculties were most unequally shared between them. Jekyll (who was composite) now with the most sensitive apprehensions, now with a greedy